14 August, 2012

A suitcase full of good memories: GUADEC 2012

A Coruña old town.Thanks to Daniel Siegel for this pic!

It has been a week since I came back from GUADEC and hispanic-GUADEC 2012 in A Coruña. Thanks to the GNOME Foundation, I had the chance to attend both events this year!

"Sharing smiles with Chees" talk. Thanks to Julita Inca for this pic!

"GOPW and GSoC Programs" talk. Thanks to Ana Rey for this pic!

This was definitely, the best GUADEC so far for me. I started attending this event 3 years ago at The Hague. I did not know many people by then, was inexperienced and not very involved as a developer in the community yet. With my second GUADEC (Berlin Desktop Summit 2012) I took part of the local team in the organisation, which gave me the chance to enjoy it "from the other side", but did not let me attend the conference. This year was completely different though. I already knew lots of people, was part of the community in a much more active way (developing, organising, spreading the word, participating in the GOPW...), and was not just an attendant but also a speaker ("Sharing smiles with Cheese" lightning talk and "GOPW & GSoC programs" talk). Now I can say, that I have seen and enjoyed the conference, from every perspective.

It was also really interesting and great for me, to see how the number of participating women in the conference, attending and giving talks, has increased so much since the first time I attended. I feel proud and happy when I think about it. This is an evidence that the programs and effort invested on them are really working!

And the GOscar goes to... 
  • The organisers and volunteers, who made a great job all the time, and made everything happen in an uncomplicated and smooth way.
  • The great selection of tracks.
  • My Outreach Game team (Stefano Candori, Marta Maria Casetti, Richard Schwarting and Rüdolfs Mazurs) and all the "hunted people", that made us win the GUADEC 2012 Outreach Games!!

  • Marina Zhurakhinskaya, who helped me collecting information for my "GOPW & GSoC programs" talk.
  • The "Queimada Ceremony".
  • The fair trade products for the conference breaks.
  • The GNOME Outreach Program Year Book 2012 and all the people who made it possible! It has the information of the interns that participated or are still participating in this last year GOPW and GSoC rounds!
GNOME Outreach Year Book 2012.

GOPW & GSoC students and mentors. Thanks to Ana Rey for this pic!
  • All those cafeteria nights at the Rialta residence.
  • The sport's day!!! Yayyy, we had volleyball this time!!
  • All of you, who make GUADEC happen every year!

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